Wednesday, December 5, 2012

RSS Feeds Questions

1. I pick my government sites because I like the things I'm interest about the government. I pick my news sites because those are sites that I want to be informed by and keep updated. I pick my hobbies sites because I like being update with news about my favorite football teams, sneakers, and video games.

2.I think it was easy to find them because most of the websites have a RSS symbol at the front of the page or have a search bar that I can look up the feeds.

3. My favorite sites were all my hobbies ones. I have to be informed with all the lasted news about sneakers and video games. I need to know releases about when a sneaker or video game is coming out. I need to know everything that happens to LSU football team and New Orleans Saints. I want to know if they lost or won and I want know players stats. This is why these are my favorite sites because I always want to be update everyday and not left behind

4.  I can use RSS Feeds to help me in research so that I can collect and share data with other people.

5.Im mostly going to use RSS Feeds in the future when I need to know certain things like stats or scores of games. Also I would use feeds when I take future computers class.

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